
just so happy

I was gazing at the view with intense pleasure while I was drinking coffee at a STARBUCKS in Sedona. What a wonderful time it was !! I was just so happy...



We climbed the BOYNTON CANYON which is also one of the big four “vortex” spots. The BOYNTON CANYON has a energy of masculinity and femininity. We could climb this red rock easily and enjoyed a lunch break on the top of the red rock. A pleasant breeze was blowing there...


mysterious agency

There are some snaky curving trees on the red rock. I heard that these trees curved up because of strong energies from the "vortex". It seems they can't grow straight because the energy is too strong. Sure enough, some mysterious wonders might be occurring in Sedona...


Chapel of the Holy Cross

The chapel of the Holy Cross was built in 1956. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright student's, Marguerite Brunswig Staude. The window of the chapel reflects a red rock and it's interior is a kaleidoscope of brilliant color.


Where am I ?

Where am I ?
It's amazing, isn't it? I realized how small I am. It looks like a painting, but it’s real. Nature is magnificent... I had been fascinated by the arcana of nature during our stay in Sedona.

the first sunrise of the year

We greeted the New Year in Sedona and went to watch the first sunrise of the year at the Airport Mesa on Jan 1 2010. The Airport Mesa is one of the big four “vortex” spots. It commands a view of the whole town. There was a moving sight all around there. The scene impressed itself on my memory... It was the start of a new year.....


"once in a blue moon"

When we arrived in Sedona on Dec 31 2009, we witnessed a " blue moon " that appear once in three or five years. A "blue moon" is also used colloquially to mean "a rare event", especially in the phrase "once in a blue moon". I had felt that something special will happen to me.. .



Have you ever been to Sedona? I traveled to Sedona recently. I've often visited cities in Europe to see different architecture, however I wanted to go somewhere I could enjoy the calming presence of nature, for a change. A chance incident led us to go to Sedona and we plotted the course of our vacation. We walked around there and enjoyed the sights of nature...


a special day

This is a very famous Christmas tree that was at Rockefeller center. A lot of my friends in Japan wanted to see it and asked me whether I went there. I saw it for the first time and experienced a special day !!


at that moment

There was quite a pretty Christmas tree at Tompkins Square Park. It was a tree with a great deal of atmosphere. I love it more than other gorgeous trees. We were enjoying a game of finding a new artistic expression at that moment...