

a big canvas

Feeling which can't be expressed in words, can be expressed through the photography. I like taking  pictures of sky. The sky is a big canvas for me.  


Japanese style



green-man... ..

green-man. ...


When I listen to her live music, 
I always feel free and strong-willed.

We have the freedom to do what we like.



" When I have no blue, I use red ! "

Picasso's paintings are very distinct. Looking at these paintings we can tell right away it's Picasso. He has a very recognizable style. He wanted to use colors, forms, composition, and perspective in a way that no one else ever had. And He spent a lot of time studying the shapes and lines of the objects he painted. By creating so many works, he really understood the lines in his pieces.

" I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them."

My respect for him is growing ever stronger. I think of how to realize my dream.


I had a lovely birthday on June 23rd. I felt so happy


Farmers Market

They were so big like America...



My website

My website has finally been completed. It has a lot of unique ideas!! I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it . www.riehirabayashi.com 
It was designed by Shoko Tagaya who is a marvelous designer and has been attracting a great deal of attention in NY. I'm deeply grateful to her. I'll do my best and keep on trying in NY !!
