
one's energy

NY is very energetic.
I felt it strongly the first time I visited NY 5 years ago, 
and I decided to come to NY by strong intuition.

I surely still feel it .

Now or never.


Parsons opened an exhibition called, "Dormitorium: Film Decors by the Quay Brothers". This show featured continuous screenings of excerpts from several Quay Brothers films. Dormitorium explored the disturbing fantasy world of twin brothers Stephen and Timothy Quay through the highly detailed sets of miniature dolls in animation form.  

I'm not clear how to translate the word, "shu-ru" to English. 
Um... It was so cool and "shu-ru" !!

The end of the summer

...in Long Beach
It was the first time i went there since I came to NY. I was born in Nagano. There isn't any sea , so I'm always excited whenever I see the sea.
I can't wait until next summer...


The way of expressing emotion

I was deeply absorbed in taking some pictures at dusk.
It looks like shadow pictures.

I can't express how moving I am now...


I finally went to the Dia:Beacon museum and I enjoyed a contemporary arts. It's a one of the best museum in NY where I've gone. If my friends visit to NY, I'll bring them there. I took the train from Grand Central station to Beacon station , it took about 80 minutes. The train commands a view of the Hudson River. It was a nice short trip. I really recommend this museum...


one morning


There are beautiful parks everywhere in the NYC. I had lived in TOKYO for 10 years before I moved to NY. NYC and TOKYO are very similar, but I can commune with nature in NY than TOKYO. This park is pretty nice. It's near my place of work . I enjoy a break in a beautiful day.

What's this?

" What's this?? "

I saw it on the street by chance. 
This is a car that was made with a lot of cameras.
It's amazing!!  
I encounter something everyday.
I always feel a great interest in a chance encounter.... 
I  ♥ NY.



I went to THE NY ART BOOK FAIR that was opened at P.S.1. This sculpture art was made from a large number of hair.It's a very interesting!! A lot of bookstores and artists have gathered at there. They had all kinds of books. There were many many books. I love book so I was really exciting!! I bought a book that is all white and has a small hole. It's a very simple design. I can write down anything on that book. My imagination was stimulated very much. I'll make my book that is a only one.