

I left Narita for NY on March 16 2009.

I've been searching for myself.
What do I want to do? What do I want to be?

In other words, why am I here?
For what?... For who?......

What can I do??

I've been thinking seriously about these things since I was a child.

 I think a world will be happy if everyone finds favorite things and tries to live the best.
That would be great if everyone can go one's own way.
We only live once in this world.

I think " Life is a learning process."
I still go on learning and living…

I meet a lot of people everyday who are from various countries and who have different cultures.
They are unique in many ways.
It's really exciting for me.

I'd like to convey my gratitude to my family, friends, coworkers, customers, and everyone who has done something for me... here, in NY.

"Thank you..." with all my heart.

I hope everything is great with you and I hope to meet you again.

Many thanks,